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OB/GYN/ Reproductive system

Female - Right hydrosalpinx and uterine fibroids
Male - Parrtial testicular infarct
Male - Avascular testis in inguinal canal

OB/GYN/ Reproductive system: Female

Diagnosis: Right hydrosalpinx and uterine fibroids (Ultrasound, CT)
There is a serpiginous anechoic mass adjacent to the right ovary, which measures up to 1.5 cm in diameter, likely representing a hydrosalpinx. Also seen are several fibroids.


OB/GYN/ Reproductive system: Male

Diagnosis: Parrtial testicular infarct (Ultrasound)
There is a geographic area of low echogenicity in the medial mid to lower testicular area with decreased blood flow.


OB/GYN/ Reproductive system: Male

Diagnosis: Avascular testis in inguinal canal (Ultrasound)
The right testicle is in the right inguinal canal and measures 4.5 x 1.4 x 3.3 cm. No intraparenchymal vascular flow is identified within the right testicle.


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